
Monday, January 24, 2011

The Blog Blues

I just looked at the's been a minute since my last post. I think I was putting too much pressure on having something to write about. In my rare blog reading adventures, I realized I was putting to much on it. Just write about anything, somedays people didn't really have much to say, but instead showed what they are in to. I like that, okay I can do that...we actually do a lot of little things that I could blog about! We have been pretty active since christmas, I am finding my rhythm, my momma's getting easier. I have been on time this whole month, and really with two kids that's pretty amazing! Well let's be honest for me on time at all is AMAZING! Here's a recap: Avery started back to school, loves it; she's also back to dance class, rick says she has his rhythm...ummm no! Berkely is crawling(everywhere), she's loves to laugh and grab hair, and eat and sing on faces. She LOVES Avery, it's adorable! She screams back at Avery, and I'm already knowing she's not gonna be putting up with her shit! Because I'm here to tell you right now, Avery gives you shit...I actually smirk/laugh sometimes when she's giving it to me. I know it's wrong but I just can't believe I'm being punked by a 3 year old...It's laughable! I'll tell her, "I don't know if your friends talk like that, but I'm not the one."(I sound like my mother) I've been doing a lot of talking, and explaining... Why? Why? Why? that's the question of the day! We have been more active in our playgroup and I'm teaching signing classes. It's so nice to get out and Avery plays with girls that are the same age as her with siblings around the same age as Berkely, so it's been nice to relate to other mothers who are going through terrible 3's and infant sleep issues at the same time.

I've been cooking and baking a lot too, who knew the girl that never wanted to get in the kitchen would actually love it! The satisfaction I get from watching Rick and Avery eat good food that I've created gives me a sense of accomplishment and that comes few and far between these days. Actually I take that back, I accomplish quite a bit these days...last Monday I started, finished, and put away all the laundry! Say what?! Yes!  and had dinner on the table okay, there is an art to this shit and it's not for the faint or weak of heart! I now find heros in women who have multiples or 3+ kids. I was talking to a friend of mine and she said, "I'm so tired of these women who act like parenting is a breeze and they never get tired or frustrated and that dinners on the table without drama." I gave her a high 5! Is it taboo to say it's work? Must discuss this topic at a later time. On another note, the weather has been beautiful! I said on our walk to the park yesterday," Ugh! just bottle it up!" Rick said with a look, "We don't have to bottle it up!" Oh yeah! huh?! Thank God! Every 5 minutes I had a huge smile on face, I'm just so happy to be here. So I'm really not for New Years Resolutions, but I just had an idea; In 2011 I'm going blog my life! I know you're probably like, well no shit Naoj! that's what a blog is(in a sarcastic whisper) but now that I understand that blogging is whatever it is... there's no pressure to have a story to tell but to let my everyday success' and failures be my story. Things I bake, dinners I cook, projects that start but don't finish. So I'm going to give it a shot, no pressure, just blogging.


  1. Love your life and the way you say it. How fun with all the ups and the downs. I wish they had blogs when my girls were young, how fun will it be to look back on all you have written when they are your age now. Also, so much fun to read now.

    So happy you love your new town.
