We have been quite the busy bees lately. We are making more friends, being more active and the Holidays are fast approaching. It always sneaks up on us, I don't understand why, but every freakin' year we are unprepared for the season. Then we act shocked at how much money it costs us... DUH! You'd think we'd get the hint... he's stressed, I'm butt hurt cause the tree is kinda bare and I think he's a scrooge. Yet here we are 2010! Thanksgiving was lovely, so good to be back and gather all together, new faces, old ones and lots of laughs and family... truly what it is all about. I've become quite the lil "Susie Home Maker" I love to cook and bake and this time of year I always find myself getting ballsy. I made pie crust from scratch for the first time and it turned out well.. those kinds of things can be daunting. I made homemade sweet potato and pumpkin pie and fresh cookies and I did the stuffing. I'm always harder on myself than others, I really wanna know if it's good.. don't just blow smoke up my ass, like, I want the truth...I can handle the truth! Berkely hit a milestone developmentally, she laughs all the time and is coming into her little personality. she is a mover and a shaker(practically crawling), and has found her voice and everything within arms reach and beyond. Avery is testing my patience on a daily! oooooohhhhh is she testy, I know the apple doesn't fall far from the tree on either side, poor thing really didn't have a chance. She whys me to death and is on her own time table when it comes to just about everything! She is such a character, she has been calling me by first name and the inflections in her tone are eerily grown. It's like, excuse me, who are you talking to like that... talking about " Okay, Naoj..One minute" Say what?! I will snatch your lil ass, you don't even know me like that! It's been 'Battle of the Strong Willed' at the dinner table, shit...actually breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Meal time was becoming torture so I started setting the timer, Once the timer goes off and she's not finished, something gets taken away. Be it a show, toys, or activities. It's been working well, not solid yet, but a vast improvement. We also use the timer when Daddy gets home and he can barely get in the door before Avery is all over him asking to play "Cars" or "Little People"! I think it helps him too, he knows he's got 15 minutes to do whatever he needs to do and then get your game face on! Now Avery is using the timer for her own benefit, nap time...set the timer! bed time...set the timer! "Mommy, you wanna play?", "In a couple minutes Peanut", "Okay, set the timer!" Come to think of it, Rick and I need the timer on a yearly basis.. You have 10 min. till the holidays, get your shit together!
Until next time...
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